
Good Shepherd Parish Newsletter
22nd September 2024
15th September 2024
8th September 2024
1st September 2024
25th August 2024
18th August 2024
11th August 2024
4th August 2024
28th July 2024
21st July 2024
14th July 2024
7th July 2024
30th June 2024
23rd June 2024
16th June 2024
9th June 2024
2nd June 2024
26th May 2024   Trinity Sunday
19th May 2024  Pentecost Sunday
12th May 2022
5th May 2024
28th April 2024
21st April 2024
Vocations newsletter
14th April 2024
7th April 2024       2nd Sunday of Easter.   Divine Mercy Sunday.
31st March 2024  Easter Sunday. Christ is Risen!
24th March 2024    Palm Sunday
17th March 2024
10th March 2024
3rd March 2024
25th February 2024
18th February 2024
11th February 2024 Lent Begins on Ash Wednesday this week.
4th February 2024
28th January 2024
21st January 2024
14th January 2024
7th January 2024
31st December 2023
24th December 2023
17th December 2023
10th December 2023
3rd December 2023
26 November 2023
19 November 2023
12 November 2023
5 November 2023
29 October 2023
22 October 2023
15 October 2023
8 October 2023
1 October 2023
24 September 2023
17 September 2023
9 September 2023
2 September 2023
27 August 2023
20 August 2023
13 August 2023
6 August 2023 Transfiguration of the Lord
30 July 2023
23 July 2023
16 July 2023
9 July 2023
2 July 2023
25 June 2023
18 June 2023
11 June 2023
SVP news latest update from the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the parish.
4 June 2023   Trinity Sunday
28 May 2023  Pentecost Sunday
Acts of the Apostles reading schedule in preparation for Pentecost
21 May 2023
14 May 2023
7 May 2023
23 April 2023
16th April 2023
9 April 2023 Easter Sunday
2 April 2023  Palm Sunday
26 March 2023
19 March 2023
12 March 2023
5 March 2023
26 February 2023
19 February 2023
12 February 2023
5 February 2023
22 and 29 January 2023
15 January 2023
8 January 2023
1 January 23  New Year’s Day
              Mary, Mother of God
25 December 2022
              Christmas Day
18h December 2022
11th December 2022
4th December 2022
Pastoral Letter for Advent from the bishop
27th November 2022 1st Sunday of Advent
20th November 2022 Christ the King

13th November 2022
6th November 2022
30th October 2022
23rd October 2022
16th October 2022
8th October 2022 
2nd October 2022
25th September 2022
18th September 2022
11th September 2022
HM The Queen – Prayers  Prayers for the Queen, the King and the Royal Family
4th September 2022
28th August 2022
21st August 2022
14th August 2022 The Assumption of Our Blessed Lady into Heaven

7th August 2022
31st July 2022Q
24th July 2022
17th July 2022
10th July 2022
3rd July 2022
26th June 2022
19th June 2022 The Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
12th June 2022  Trinity Sunday
5th June 2022  Pentecost Sunday
29th May 2022
22nd May 2022
Bishops of England and Wales invite Faithful to return to partaking in Sunday Mass in person from Pentecost
Update of services this week 17th – 21st May
8th and 15th May 2022
1st May 2022
24th April 2022
17th April 2022 Easter Sunday. Christ is Risen. Alleluia!
10th April 2022
3rd April 2022
27th March 2022
Urgent Message for 25th March, the Annunciation of the BVM
20 March 2022
13th March 2022
6th March 2022
27th February 2022
Gift Aid form for regular donations
20th February 2022
13th February 2022
6th February 2022
30th January 2022
23rd January 2022
16th January 2022
9th January 2022
2nd January 2022
26th December 2021  Boxing Day Feast of the Holy Family
19th December 2021Fourth Sunday of Advent
12th December 2021 Third Sunday of Advent
5th December 2021 Second Sunday of Advent
28th November 2021 First Sunday of Advent
Bishop’s Pastoral Letter for Advent
21st November 2021 Christ the Universal King
14th November 2021
7th November 2021
31st October 2021
24th October 2021
17th October 2021
10th October 2021
3rd October 2021
26th September 2021
12th. 19th,  September 2021
5th September 2021
29th August 2021
22nd August 2021
15th August 2021 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8th August 2021
1st August 2021
25th July 2021
18th July 2021
11th July 2021
4th July 2021
27th June 2021
20th June 2021
13th June 2021
6th June 2021 Corpus Christi
30th May 2021Trinity Sunday
23rd May 2021 Pentecost Sunday
16th May 2021 Sunday after Ascension
9th May 2021
2nd May 2021
28th April 2021
11th 18th April 2021
Easter Sunday 4th April 2021
28th March 2021 Holy Week
Day of Reflection and Prayer for 1yr of Covid Mass on YoTube
21st March 2021
14th March 2021
7th March 2021
28th February 2021
21st February 202114th February 2021
7th February 2021
31st January 2021
24th January 2021
17th January 2021
Resources and Courses learn more about the Faith at home.
10th January 2021
3rd January 2021
27th December 2020  Feast  of the Holy Family
20th December 2020  Fourth Sunday of Advent
13th December 2020 Third Sunday of Advent
6th December 2020 Second Sunday of Advent
29th November 2020 First Sunday of Advent
svp report for parish
22nd November 2020 Feast of Christ the King
15th November 2020
8th November 2020 Remembrance Sunday
Wed 4th November evening update
Late news (1st November)
1st November 2020 Solemnity of All Saints
25th October 2020
18th October 2020
11th October 2020
4th October 2020
27th September 2020
20th September 2020
13th September 2020
6th September 2020
Information on how to donate via your bank
Standing Order form to be sent to your bank via the parish office
30th August 2020
23rd August 2020
15th August 2020 The Assumption of Our Lady
9th August 2020
2nd August 2020
26th July 2020
19th July 2020
12th July 2020
5th July 2020
Saints Peter and Paul 28th June 2020
21st June 2020
Pastoral Letter from Bishop John 18 June 2020
Corpus Christi 14th June 2020
The Most Holy Trinity 7th June 2020
Pentecost 31st May 2020
24th May 2020
17th May 2020
3rd May 2020
Divine Mercy 19th April 2020
Easter Sunday 12th April 2020
Palm Sunday 2020
26th March 2020
Sunday Message 290320
22nd March 2020
15th March 2020
8th March 2020
Saint Peter and Paul Church
1st March 2020
23rd February 2020
16th February 2020
9th February 2020
2nd February 2020
26th January 2020
19th January 2020
12th January 2020
5th January 2020
29th December 2019
22nd December 2019