
Thank you for visiting this page.
Your donations are very important to us and are gratefully received.
Our live-streaming costs £45 per week. We believe it is a valuable service.
Please help us to maintain it.
To donate to the parish please click on the link below and if you
pay income tax, please tick the GIFT AID box and the tax office will give us an
extra £1 for every £4 that you give. This really adds up and makes a difference.
Thank you most sincerely.
Click here to donate

If you wish to download a Standing Order Form to make a regular donation,
please click on this link:

If you wish to send a donation by cheque, please write the cheque to. The Good Shepherd Parish, Colne. And send it to the parish office: The Presbytery, 25 Queen Street, Colne, Lancashire. BB8 9NB.
Bank Transfers can be made to SRCDTR The Good Shepherd Colne.
(Registered Charity number 50869627)
Sort Code: 20-55-34.            Account Number:  50869627
Again, many sincere thanks for your generosity.  Fr. Peter